Essa é a imagem do logo da École Québec.

16 years of French and integration of immigrants in Quebec!

  • Cours dynamiques
  • National Teachers
  • Accent on Québécois culture and values
  • Partner of recruitment missions of qualified workers abroad

Objectif Québec prépare un nouvelle arrivant à être fonctionnel au travail ou aux études dès son arrivée au Québec.

Toutes les leçons sont construites en utilisant un sujet, un évènement, une situation, une coutume, un aspect culturel, un fait historique ou une spécificité propre au Québec.

Objectif Québec French in 10 months (7.5 hours of courses/semaine. It allows the students to understand and to be understood, by alleviating major cultural shocks , while being aware that their success depends on their real willingness to integrate into their new home land.

Our mission, for more than 16 years, has been to franciser, prepare and accompany foreign workers and students in their Quebec project.

Teachers trained for the Quebec objective

Our teachers are from Quebec, France or elsewhere, and they all know Quebec. We value rotation for the understanding of all the French accents.

Method created for the Quebec objective

Le cours a été élaboré par une équipe d’employés et de professeurs qui connaissent bien le the immigration process

Conferences and information events

Our students have access to conferences and to information events organized in collaboration with our recruiting partners.


Partners in employment and studies

Québec International, Montréal International, SDED, CHU Université Laval, Université de Montréal, the list is long… (Voir la liste ci-après)



A new life project generates questions and anxieties. École Québec makes its network of contacts available to promote the exchange of experiences between our students and our graduates already in Quebec.


Accompagnement in the immigration process

Our team understands your needs and will help you in your process. We work with partners who are authorized immigration consultants.


At the end of each module (beginner, intermediate or advanced), all students receive a certificate on which their level will be recorded. Les résultats s’échelonnent de 1 à 12 selon l’échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétences en français des personnes immigrantes adultes.

We can clarify your application as long as you complete the IMT and work visa paperwork! Contactez-nous !

Essa é a imagem do logo da École Québec.


[email protected] | WhatsApp: +55 (21) 3649-1170

Canada / International
[email protected] | WhatsApp: +1 (866) 326-5372